Recovery From Narcissism and Gaslighting Abuse

Recovery from Gaslighting & Narcissistic Abuse, Codependency & Complex PTSD

(3 in 1)

Emotional Abuse, People-Pleasing and Trauma vs. Emotional Regulation, Mindfulness, Independence and Self-Caring

4.7 out of 5 stars 825 Reviews

4.2 on Goodreads (123)

Don Barlow

Trauma impacts everyone but its effect varies from one person to another

In Recovery from Gaslighting & Narcissistic Abuse, Codependency & Complex PTSD (3 in 1), you will have three books that will help you discover:

What Gaslighting, Codependency and Complex PTSD are

Their cycles and how they form; eventually taking over your life

The impact they have on you and your relationships with others

The shift in mindset that you need to help you finally gain the courage to escape

Self-care practices that will help you take back control of your life

How you can rebuild an accurate sense of self that isn't formed by events from your past

And much more.

You know what helplessness feels like. The paralysis of panic, the loss of control. What it's time for you to learn, is that these feelings aren't forever.

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Available In Audiobook




The Covert Passive-Aggressive Narcissist


Attitude Is Your Super Power