Time Is Precious

& this Moment is a Gift

Adam Murray

First time author, Adam Murray, opens up about the struggles that have plagued him for much of his life. After nearly losing a battle to meningitis at age twelve and his confidence fading, Adam lost his purpose and direction.

His life quickly spun out of control as addiction and depression would consume his world for the next two decades. Finally realizing at age thirty five how far he had fallen, Adam found his faith and vowed to break the chains of his excessive drinking. With a renewed love of life and a desire to be successful, Adam dedicated himself to his daughters, and eventually starting his own company.

Just as he was thinking life couldn’t get any better, it all came crashing down. Adam was diagnosed with ALS. Instead of throwing in the towel and giving up, he has decided to stay positive and be a source of inspiration for others, encouraging them to achieve the most they can from this life.

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