You Are The Hero

Be the hero the people need and deserve.

I often hear from people when faced with the opportunity to help others, they don’t feel like helping them or judge them based on their lack of experience or the type of lifestyle they live.

A long time ago a close friend of mine that was teaching me business ethics taught me to give to someone that looked like they were in need. My first thought was “No” because of how they lived and assumed they would use the gifts inappropriately. Which with past experiences has proven me right.

My friend’s response was that it didn’t matter what they did with the blessing, but what did matter was my heart in a giving place.

When you give with a giving heart, you will receive and sometimes you will receive better than expected.

The old phrase, “Reap What You Sow” will never fade. Sometimes your blessings might not come with expectation of timing and it might be different than expected, but they will come to you.

Remember, focus on your journey and when you are able, be the hero to others in need.


Creating Beauty in the Journey

In this engaging parable, author Noah Blumenthal shows that we are all master storytellers. Our stories are vivid, detailed, and convincing. These aren’t the stories we tell around the watercooler or the campfire. They are the stories we tell ourselves—the ones that rattle around in our heads and move us to emotions and actions.
If we don’t pay attention, these stories can take us down the victim path—blaming, frustrated, helpless, and hopeless. But at any moment, we have the power to identify and change these stories. We can choose the right stories—the ones that enable us to become “Everyday Heroes.”

Be the Hero brings to life the entertaining tale of a struggling young professional whomoves from victim to hero by learning to become aware of and change the stories that are holding him back. Battling negativity, inertia, and anger, he learns to see life through a new lens, to create new hero stories that develop his capacity to chart his own course.

The powerful resources at the end of the book, including a hero tip of the week, smart cards, manager tip sheets, and more, will help you make your hero stories stick.

This simple parable will change your life forever.

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Stepping Into Your Own Journey pt 1


Facing Reality