New beginnings

Now is the time to take the next step in your journey to accomplish your dreams and desires.

Take a moment and think about what you have already accomplished and what you want to accomplish with the new year.

If you’re married or have a partner that is walking down this beautiful path with you, find something you both desire and start discussing what you need to do together to strive for success. After all, relationships are partners where we give 100% for each other.

Discussing it together is just the fact finding aspect of the journey.

Have some fun and get the “BestSelf Intimacy Deck”, it has 150 cards about relationship building and is a great couples game that is awesome for starting conversations and discovering what each other is about.

The next thing to do is draw out a plan, break it down, establish goals and apply an action plan.

The Legend Planner” is a great tool that is formatted with a Weekly & Monthly Life Planner to Hit Your Goals & Live Happier.

When you have something in common with your partner, you will find that working together can be exhilarating and fun.

Of course there will be all types of challenges that will surface, but with the strength of two or more anything can happen.

This can create a new level of intimacy and passion not just with yourself but also with your relationship.

“The Seven Levels Of Intimacy”, explains the art of loving and the joy of being loved which is every couple’s short and long term goals.

A sense of understanding and peace of working together will bring a closeness that develops trust and an intimate connection.

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Creating Beauty in the Journey

We promote Motivational and Inspirational Books that teach life lessons in your journey.

We encourage development in Leadership, Influence, Motivation, Goal Setting, Growth and Overcoming Challenges.

We help you discover your Identity creating a Positive Mindset allowing you to Focus on your Passion in Life.

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Married couple discusses how LIFT, Leadership Influence Foundation and Teamwork, is implemented to create beauty in our journey and to provide uplifting positive messages with motivational and inspirational quotes and books.

Enjoy our newest LIFTcast, “Leave No Stone”

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Understanding Yourself


Healing Hurt