Stubborn Strength

We all have different areas in our lives where we are strong and weak.

It is ok to live in our stubborn ways where we strive for perfection or seek greatness, looking for success in different areas.

We all live with our specific routine in the many areas of our life and from time to time it can be difficult to manage, especially when we are dealing with challenges and struggles.

So if we are going to be stubborn, be stubborn in the areas that excel you towards achieving your goals, creating success to enjoy.


Creating Beauty in the Journey

The Power of Self-Discipline

5-Minute Exercises to Build Self-Control, Good Habits, and Keep Going When You Want to Give Up (Live a Disciplined Life)

4.5 out of 5 stars 624 Reviews

3.6 on Goodreads (265)

Book 3 of 16: Live a Disciplined Life

Peter Hollins

Stop self-defeating behaviors and act with intention. You’ll thank yourself later.

What you receive in life is dictated by your self-discipline. The more you have, the more you get. Will you settle for less than you desire?

How to make willpower automatic, second nature, and habitual.

The Power of Self-Discipline is not a textbook on self-discipline, nor is it a gentle and drawn-out discussion. It is a toolbox to keep you in motion and in action towards your goals. It pulls no punches as it provides direct techniques to ensure that your actions match your intentions - a difficult task.

Self-discipline is not about grinding it out from morning until night. Let’s work smarter and accomplish more with less effort.

Tools to get started, keep going, overcome distractions, and follow through every single time.

Peter Hollins has studied psychology and peak human performance for over a dozen years and is a bestselling author. He has worked with a multitude of individuals to unlock their potential and path towards success. His writing draws on his academic, coaching, and research experience.

Gain self-awareness and cultivate your determination and tenacity. Immediate action has never been so easy.

•Learn the main emotional, psychological, and biological obstacles you are battling.

•Understand and break the 5-step cycle of laziness that keeps you glued to the couch, unhappier than ever.

•Confront yourself with a series of direct questions that force self-awareness and action.

•An insightful formula for maximizing willpower and how to manipulate it.

•What your discipline style is.

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