Drama Free Life


Are you exhausted from running into the same situation of drama in your path?  Do you always seem to find yourself falling into the same environment and end up getting dragged into everyone's ongoing drama no matter what you do to try and avoid it?

It is ok to be available for a friend that needs someone to chat with if they are being challenged or going through struggles in their life. What is challenging for us is when we try to give our friends not just comfort and an ear to hear but possible solutions that give them the opportunity to better their situations.

We fall for situations where we believe there might be closure allowing everyone to move on only to find out that it was never remedied or words became just words with no action applied. It is all too easy to say what we desire in our lives but it can be very difficult to apply the actions that steer us away from the drama. 

In order to break the habit, we must first identify we have the problem of falling back into the things that hold us back. Then we can understand how to protect ourselves and stay clear of the ones that try to bring us back into it.

If the people in our lives can't see the bigger picture of how they are not just hurting themselves but their friends as well, then maybe it is time to take a break and get re-grounded.

Don't get stuck in the drama of others when it seems they strive to live in it. Taking a break can eliminate stress, allow time to heal, and create a barrier eliminating any type of drama to be magnified.


Creating Beauty in the Journey

The Drama-Free Way

A Thought-Management Guide to Navigating Chaos and Thriving

Jennifer Kern Collins

Drama, drama, drama--every facet of our culture is steeped in it: politics, media, Hollywood, our corporate culture, even our health care is dripping with drama. And, like true junkies, we indulge in it endlessly. Drama addiction is real. But why do we have it? How did we even get here?

Drama functions as a social survival method that we all sometimes lean on to be seen, heard, and to feel like we matter. Left unattended, the negative thought patterns and emotional wounds that foster drama will be recycled generation after generation, adversely affecting our world for years to come.

There is a path to true emotional freedom. The Drama-Free Way: A Thought-Management Guide to Navigating Chaos and Thriving explores the internal thought patterns and energetic states that create drama. This book pairs real stories of journeys out of drama addiction with a practical approach for intentional thinking and authentic thriving. The result isn't a destination, but a new way of living--a way that can make life easier, more fun, and more fulfilling.

Your spirit is calling you to a new level of being; The Drama-Free Way will lead you there.

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