How To Have Integrity in Your Journey

Integrity in Your Journey

Our last article we discussed “How a pattern is developed of mismatched words and actions”. That leads us to Integrity in our journey.

We will consistently find ourselves in a situation where we will have to make a decision that will show the world if we walk with integrity or not.

Integrity is about doing the right thing no matter how difficult it may be. Ask yourself “Who am I when no one is watching”.

Living a life of Integrity means being honest with yourself and others and having strong moral principles.

If we allow it, Integrity is not just a virtue but a successful guide that helps us make good choices and allows us to build trust with others as we walk down this beautiful path of life.

It’s important be true to yourself and your values. This can sometimes be hard, especially when others around you choose an easier but dishonest path. If you identify this it is ok to take a step away in order to avoid being distracted or influenced that can cause you to lose your integrity.

Sticking to your principles gives you a clear conscience and self-respect which is a great influence with the people around you, especially children that are watching and learning from you.

Integrity is important in all parts of life;

In school, it means doing your own work and not cheating.

In the workplace, it involves being honest with your time and efforts.

At home, it means being reliable and keeping promises.

When you act with integrity, people learn that they can trust you, and trust is the foundation of a great relationship.

Maintaining integrity can be very challenging, you could face different types of pressure or challenges that might cause you to bend the rules or cut corners. In these moments, it's important to remember that taking the easy way out can lead to bigger problems down the road.

Staying honest and true to your values might be tough in the short term, but it pays off in the long run by establishing a strong reputation and self-worth.

Integrity is a vital part of a successful and fulfilling journey. It helps you stay true to yourself, build strong meaningful relationships, and allows you to navigate challenges with confidence.

By making integrity a constant in your life, you create a path that not only leads to personal success but also earns you the respect and trust of others.

This is sometimes easier said than done but with the right influences in your life you will find that you will become a stronger person.

Creating Beauty In The Journey



A few books we suggest to help you on your journey are

The Way of Integrity

Finding the Path to Your True Self (Oprah's Book Club)

4.6 out of 5 stars 3,068

4.2 on Goodreads (7,069)

Martha Beck


The Courage to Meet the Demands of Reality

4.7 out of 5 stars 952

4.2 on Goodreads (3,070)

Henry Cloud

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What Is The Developing Pattern of Mismatched Words and Actions