What Is The Developing Pattern of Mismatched Words and Actions

The Developing Pattern of Mismatched Words and Actions

In our prior article, "Our Words Reflect Our Thoughts & Actions Reveal The Truth Of Our Heart," we discussed how our actions speak louder than our words.

This article discusses how the pattern of mismatched words and actions develops at a young age.

When children respond to us by saying what they think we want to hear, even when it’s not the truth, a troubling pattern can begin.

A child might say they’ve finished their homework to please their parents, even if they haven’t actually done it. If parents don’t correct this behavior, the child learns that saying the right thing is more important than doing the right thing.

As this pattern continues without correction, the child starts to believe that words alone are enough to satisfy expectations of others.

They learn that as long as they say what people want to hear, they can avoid consequences or gain approval.

This creates a disconnect between their words and actions, making it difficult for them to understand the importance of integrity and honesty as they get older. It gives them a sense of an easy way out mentality.

When these children grow into adults, the pattern often remains. They may tell their boss they’ve completed a task when they haven’t or promise a friend they’ll show up when they have no intention of doing so.

This behavior can lead to problems in their personal and professional relationships. People around them might find it hard to trust them, leading to conflicts and misunderstandings.

To prevent this pattern from taking root, it’s important for parents to address inconsistencies between their children’s words and actions early on.

Encouraging honesty and integrity, even when it’s difficult, helps children learn the value of being truthful and reliable. By correcting these behaviors and setting a good example, parents can help their children develop into adults who are trusted and respected for both their words and their actions.

Creating Beauty In The Journey



A few books we suggest to help you on your journey are


14 Gospel Principles That Can Radically Change Your Family

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Paul David Tripp

Shepherding a Child's Heart

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Tedd Tripp

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How To Have Integrity in Your Journey


How Our Words Reflect Our Thoughts & Actions That Reveal The Truth Of Our Heart